Transit Study Report Available

Thank you for your interest in the MAX Transit Study. MAX used your input to develop proposed services changes, and a draft of the final Transit Study Report was available for review through May 10, 2024. While the comment period is now closed, the plan is still available for review. The MAX Board will consider the Plan for adoption at the May 20th, 2024 meeting.

MAX has been serving the community since 2000, building on the Dial-A-Ride bus services which started in 1974 in the City of Holland.

Over that time, the services MAX provides have changed, and the Holland/Zeeland community that MAX serves has changed as well. Since 2000, the population in the area served by MAX has grown by over 15,000 people, with the population forecasted to grow by 25,000 more by 2050. You can read more about MAX here.

As MAX restores services, we want to hear from you! MAX is committed to making the best use of our resources in meeting the needs of our growing community.

What is the MAX Transit Study?

The MAX Transit Study is an opportunity for MAX, and the community that MAX serves, to examine how well MAX is serving customers and where there are opportunities to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of MAX services. MAX reduced services in 2020 due to COVID-19, and as MAX restores service and looks ahead to the future, the Transit Study will support MAX's efforts to:

  • Understand and respond to the changes that have happened in the community since the last major service update in 2007,
  • Understand current rider needs and ensure that MAX can continue to meet those needs,
  • Improve transit service efficiency and performance to attract new riders, and
  • Identify short-term and longer-term service changes that MAX can achieve within current and planned resources.

At the beginning of the Transit Study, MAX and the consulting project team are learning from the community and identifying the existing strengths and challenges of MAX services. The project team will develop possible service changes, and the community will have the opportunity to respond to proposed changes in early 2024. Final service recommendations will be developed for the end of the study in June 2024.


To receive updates on the MAX transit study, please provide your email address here.